Hello Everyone!
I will soon be joining a group of other dedicated students and medical professionals, on a trip to Honduras to conduct a "medical brigade" to treat more than 1,500 patients in communities without access to health care otherwise. Our group will function like a mobile medical unit, setting up small clinics to diagnose and treat patients at no cost. From in-take, to triage, to medical consultations, to filling the prescriptions, I will have experienced the many realms of the medical profession under the guidance of licensed medical professionals.
To make this trip a success, I need your help in one of three ways:
1) As a sponsor champion (any amount) to help me pay for my trip and to create permanent health care clinics in our villages (donate below)
2) Join me on the brigade, especially if you are a medical professional
3) And/or send me warm thoughts and prayers as I embark on my brigade
Thank you for your support!
Women's Place...
15 years ago